CSC Manual of Practice, Complete (English)
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Publisher: Construction Specifications Canada (CSC)
The Manual of Practice (MOP) is an effective resource for all participants in the construction industry, including owners, architects, engineers, contract administrators, product reps, financial institutions, facility managers, regulatory authorities. The planning, design, construction, and facility use process is inherently interdependent, and the MOP meets the needs of all participants. Most importantly, the MOP advances CSC’s mission of being committed to the betterment of the construction industry through the development and delivery of quality education programs, publications and services.
The new edition of the MOP will help educators by providing consistent resource materials for teaching new or less experienced specification writers. Architects and engineers who prefer to write their own construction specifications will have a definitive reference document to guide them through the intricacies of construction specification writing. Even experienced specification writers need help from time to time, and will have the best quality resource available to them once again.
Although the ten modules will be made available for individual purchase, CSC strongly encourages members and other industry participants to purchase either the Modules 1 - 9 or Modules 1 - 10 packages. (The MOP is made available without Module 10 because many users may already have copies of some of the reference documents such as MasterFormat or PageFormat.)
The new Manual of Practice is organized and structured as follows:
- Part 01 – Introduction
- Part 02 – Project Delivery
- Part 03 – Conceptual Planning
- Part 04 – Design
- Part 05 – Construction Documents
- Part 06 – Construction
- Part 07 – Facilities Management
- Part 08 – Glossary
- Part 09 – Appendices
- Part 10 – References
The Manual of Practice will assist users to:
- Determine the most appropriate project delivery method
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of the project participants
- Understand the design process and product selection
- Prepare accurate and enforceable specifications applying the CSI/CSC UniFormat, MasterFormat, SectionFormat, and PageFormat for clear, concise, correct, and complete contract documents
- Coordinate, interpret, and enforce contract documents
- Effectively administer construction contracts
- Improve communication among project participants
- Utilize project resources for effective facility management
- Plan for existing facility improvements and modifications